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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
LOL, good old(ish) cargame and his fun tests.

It's great that he's posted here pointing out how easy it is to break the law under EU, US and TPPA laws that affect copyright. You might think, reading the above that cargame isn't up with the latest EU laws, but we all know he really is. That's why he set this test for us.

Remember, fellow LFSers, these laws are in place and being stupid and saying online that you are breaking them is not a good idea.

If the Internet Police read online that you are breaking laws, then you will have a bad time.

Thanks cargame for helping us teach the LFS community about safe, legal internet use. Smile

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Check your EU laws and rules, I posted a link for you. Holland is no longer an independent country when it comes to these laws.

"The EU copyright legislation is a set of ten directives, which harmonise essential rights of authors and of performers, producers and broadcasters. By setting harmonised standards, the EU law reduces national discrepancies, ensures the level of protection required to foster creativity and investment in creativity, promotes cultural diversity and ensures better access for consumers and business to digital content and services across Europe."
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
This is clearly cargame testing us on our knowledge of copyright and the legality of streaming TV from another country on VPN's

The problem is that the case you have described has you are breaking the law and engaging in illegal activity.
The TV program is not legally available in your country so using a VPN to watch it is illegal.
The EU is in the process of cracking down on this as it is considered piracy.

"Paul Gordon, IP, technology and media lawyer for Finlayson’s law firm told Techly that using a VPN to stream content could cost you up to $10,200 and the potential for legal action by the content owner.
Mr Gordon said paying to stream content may make you feel good, but legally it’s no different from piracy.
“Legally it might be a different section of the Copyright Act but even if you’re streaming, it’s no different to using copyright material without a license,” he said.""

I'll go for bonus points and point out that there are forum rules against promoting or supporting illegal activity. Smile

Good try cargame Big grin
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Bit obvious but Options/Controls/ Axes/FF then Force Feedback = yes

If that's on then it should work, assuming everything is mapped correctly etc.
I run a G27 and that is all I needed to do Smile
Attached is a snip of my setup screen for my G27.
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
And how can you identify the differences in car setup, and which car setup suits your driving style without practice ?

And I do believe you said "Ultimately, it's all about learning what your car does and doesn't do and adapting, whether that be by altering your driving style or your car's setup, and that takes time, patience and practice."

Yes, I see clearly now that your saying don't practice.

Your just upset because we beat you at cricket (again) today, aren't you !
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Shirtkicker :His XRG BL1 pb is 2:10 - definitely talking about rallycross here.

R3Kinitiate: It's all about finding the optimum angle for your slide - too little, you're not going fast enough through the corner; too much, the friction of the slide is slowing you down. Watching others will give you some idea of where you should be aiming, but differences in setups, especially gearing, will cause all cars to behave differently.

Ultimately, it's all about learning what your car does and doesn't do and adapting, whether that be by altering your driving style or your car's setup, and that takes time, patience and practice.

TL:DR. Practice - lots .........
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
News you won't get in your media.

Who remembers Iran 'capturing' 2 US Navy Seal boats back in early Jan ?

"US officials said it was unclear how the crew members ended up in Iranian waters, although an earlier report said that at least one vessel had become disabled and drifted there.

According to a report by the New York Times, an anonymous official said the two boats apparently grounded when one of them suffered a mechanical breakdown."

And a US Senator (X Navy Walrus) wants answers.

"According to the Washington Examiner, Rep. Ryan Zinke, who wrapped up a 23-year naval career in 2008 before being elected to Congress, has recently voiced some of his personal suspicions about the sailors’ detainment.

“It doesn’t add up to me that somehow two boats are stranded within the territory of Iran waters,” Rep. Zinke said on Tuesday. “There’s a lot of questions out there that we have and I think Congress and the American people should know the answers.”

Secretary of State John Kerry and other U.S. officials noted that the combination of navigational errors and engine troubles lead to the sailors drifting into Iranian waters.

Rep. Zinke states that they only would have been stranded if the sailors were unable to execute “basic seamanship” or if Iran demonstrated aggression toward them.

“It seems to me that a number of very straightforward planning considerations either weren’t planned, or the plan wasn’t followed,” he said.

Rep. Zinke argued that mechanical problems couldn’t explain the situation, as such boats travel in pairs and one vessel could easily get the other out of harm’s way.

“I think America needs to know the truth about whether or not the situation was from a lack of training or something more,” he said. “Where did the Iranians intercept them? Did they intercept them with a superior force? Were they actually in Iranian territorial waters or were they in international waters?”"

Well, what's now coming out now is even funnier....., also missing from any Western media, I wonder why ?

I'd have thought that a successful attack against ISIS should be announced.......

Unless it showed how the US helps run ISIS....., then it's probably not a good thing to announce in your media. Good thing it hasn't been.......

"Following the Iranian capture of two U.S. Navy Riverine Command Boats last week, intelligence officials in Tehran discovered a plot to transport a “top level” ISIS commander into Syria from Saudi Arabia in order to replace the toppled terrorist leader Zahran Alloush.

Once this Islamic State terror leader was in route to Kuwait aboard one of the US Navy’s RCB’s, this report continues, an “overwhelming” force of Iranian Sep?h naval troops captured both this terrorist, the US Navy boats (including the American sailors aboard them) transporting him and nearly ignited an all out war when Iranian forces were forced to fire “warning missiles” against the US Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman attempting to intervene.

Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy overseeing this operation, this report notes, stated about this operation to capture this terror leader that the aircraft carrier USS Truman displayed “unprofessional moves” thus causing him to put Iranian naval forces on high alert and warning: “We prepared our coast-to-sea missiles, missile-launching speedboats and our numerous capabilities, to strike if they made a hostile move”.

Upon the US Navy “backing down”, this report says, the captured Islamic State terror leader and the American sailors accompanying him were brought to Farsi Island whereupon Admiral Fadavi immediately contacted Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi.

The importance of Admiral Fadavi contacting Minister Ravanchi, this report explains, was due to his, Ravanchi’s, months long ongoing secret negotiations with Obama regime representative Wendy Sherman—who, shockingly, the Obama regime put in charge of these negotiations as her prior experience in international diplomacy was her being a social worker and the former director of State of Maryland’s office of child welfare.

Once Wendy Sherman was advised by Minister Ravanchi of Sep?h’s capture of this Islamic State terror leader and American sailors, this report continues, the Obama regime immediately “caved/relented” to all of Iran’s demands relating to “prisoner/detainee” swaps thus securing for the Iranians everything they had asked for, including the immediate releaseof seven Iranian nationals languishing in US jails and an agreement that the US would no longer pursue extradition of 14 Iranians for their alleged involvement in purchasing arms from the US to Iran.

Iran on its side, this report says, agreed to release the four dual nationality Iranian-American prisoners it held—the two most important being Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) spies Nosratollah Khosravi Matt Trevithick—the most important of them being Khosravi whom the Obama regime requested of Iran, and was granted, that his release be treated separately from the other three.

As an added “bonus/incentive” for Iran keeping “confidential/secret” the US Navy’s transporting of this Islamic State terror leader, this report further notes, President Barack Obama, also, lifted the American’s decades-old ban on selling aircraft and repair parts to Iran’s aviation on Friday (15 January) a full day ahead of the United Nations lifting of sanctions under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—and which Iran put into immediate effect by ordering billions-of-dollars worth of European Union made Airbus aircraft instead of US made ones.

To how the American mainstream propaganda media has covered up this entire sordid affair including changing its date from 29 December to 12 January proving, once again, the Obama regimes direct complicity in directing the Islamic State terrorists in Syrian and Iraq, this report concludes, borders on the “absolute comical” as the many versions of what exactly they keep saying happened has kept changing by the hour/day/week (US Navy boats broke down/US Navy boats had navigational errors) and they have “deliberately decoupled” the capture of these US Navy boats with the firing upon the USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier by Iranian naval forces—but which Admiral Fadavi bluntly stated: “The incident [Iran firing missiles against the USS Harry Truman] occurred during Iran’s seizure Tuesday [29 December] of two US naval boats.”
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I chose to do a Bowie memorial so I suggest watching 'The Man who fell to Earth'

"As science-fiction films go, this is a unique one. It focuses on character and implied ideas, not on plot and special effects. It’s very much a product of the 1970s, when idiosyncratic directors deliberately tried to make great films. A production of this style is almost unthinkable today; it’s too challenging and abstract for the Friday night mobs and requires too much thought."

(Labyrinth is great too !)
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Sorry, my bad. I had assumed that it was still on PC, I've got a pc copy of 2003(?) somewhere so.......

That's sad really, considering how popular NFL is in the US, we only have 4 mil pop yet.

And there is this too,

So lot's of choice for real rugby !

They are, however pretty crap, but they still exist Smile
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Madden NFL ?????

Like, only since 1988..... Where have you been ???

Madden 2016 review
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
"Even without the threat of one of the greatest off-road games ever made Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo would still come up short. There's a dreariness to the visuals that suggests that, no matter how much time Milestone has, it still will never quite have the budget to truly compete; the frame-rate's erratic, the scenery flat and mundane while even your co-driver sounds bored throughout.

You can have the finest stage selection, the most comprehensive car list, but it counts for naught if your handling is so fundamentally limp. Milestone seems to have been caught between the two extremes offered by its contemporaries, .....

....... It's left floundering between the two, though, lost like an errant spectator caught in the halogen glare of a fast-approaching car.
Perhaps Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo's biggest crime is its appetite for understeer, anathema to the art of off-road driving and plain murder when you're trying to thread your way through its narrow, unforgiving stages."

And, after driving the Demo, I think that the above is an accurate review.
(I laugh at 4 gig downloads)
Great tracks/stages, could live with the graphics (LFS !), physics are shyte, Career mode just really annoys me, Cut scenes - 'GTFO', Coding is dodgy - Xeon at 3.2 and GTX580 = unstable framerate, Virtual stuff ?.
Basicly, it doesn't 'feel' right. That's very subjective and others may well love it, but that's how I, and others feel the game currently is.

Disclaimer: RSRBR and Dirt Rally fan(atic).
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed


Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
NZ Elections......

Why did my cat get a letter from the Electoral Commission? Because our vet sends him mail and we changed address???"

Explains why John Key is our PM, never trust a cat voter !!!!
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
A) Sorry for the idea I was helpful and not a conceited arrogant Sys Admin. Cus I really am Smile
The info was completely correct, I was just a bit 'irritated' by the UK poster(s) who post 'stuff' with no knowledge, but.... Smile

Yes, I've let it go,......

B) Anyway, the facts of the post were correct, and when acted on, it resolved the issue. For me irl, that's chargeable, in fact, that's what I do !, However on the forum I do this at no charge... Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
A serious question here, what is the interest/desire for a career mode in racing games ?. It seems to me to be pointless, other than as a championship/season thing. Pathetic commentery stuff, sad cut scenes, and someone rambling on during the race saying "Do better" or "The stewards will see you after the race", completely pointless stuff like that. Smile

It's missing completely from LFS and it's not missed. RBR (RSRBR) and Dirt Rally do a championship but not a career.

It seems to me to be artificial and cheesy, arcade mode stuff.

All the games I can think of that offer this are Xbox/PS game ports and while it suits that platform (arcade) I just don't see the point.
(Not a console player though)

This is a serious comment though and I'd like to hear why people think they (Career mode) improve a racing sim.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Euro Truck Simulator Does America.
(Like Debbie does shopping at Walmart)

Didn't do a new thread for this, but stand by for Americana !

American truck stimulator

Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

"...on a technological level, it does look like ETS2 with just a little more gloss and an Americana skin."

"It feels more like Fallout than Fallout 4 does
Obviously there’s no shooting and looting, but when you’re in Nevada, that sense of travel of across an idealised, unpopulated America is far more potent than in Fallout 3 or 4. The empty-beautiful desert environments, the giant, cheesy roadside signs, the adorably unironic doughnut shops, the gradual shift from natural wasteland to hick towns to big cities, the space. The journey."

"The American iconography approach extends to road traffic too. From bloated 60s cruisers to winnebagos, from UPS vans to black’n’white patrolcars, it’s the America you want and expect. I have no idea if it’s exaggerated, and I don’t care. It’s right, dammit."

"California and Nevada are included out of the box, with Arizona to be added for free further down the line, and it’s certainly enough to keep you going for a while. But, between the accelerated time (a two hour drive takes about ten minutes) and limitations on how much detail there can be, I have been down some of the same roads several times already. I’m fairly confident Arizona will make all the difference, and in any case I haven’t particularly gone off-piste yet: too busy doing jobs to save up for my very own Optimus, y’see."

"The size of the roads and the land either side of it is up from ETS2, and once you’re outside of towns there’s far more scope to sit back and take it easy, taking it all in. This is really the major difference: there’s an openness that ETS2 only manages occasionally. It’s filmic where ETS is utilitarian. While I suppose some folk will worry that longer, straighter roads means less to do, I’m just finding it makes the trucker fantasy come that much more to life. And anyway, worry not: you’ll get reliably dicked over by traffic lights and endless junctions in cities."

Not released till 2 Feb, but just thought you may want to work on the anticipation Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from sermilan :Yep... IP address definitely. Changed it and everything is back to normal.
It went as far as redirecting me from to FBI site Uh-hu

Good to see from this that my advice from over 3 weeks ago was factually correct and resolved the issue.
Damn, that's usually a very chargable job. Lucky you Smile

Quote from Racer X NZ :
So, I strongly suggest you talk to your Internet Provider and get an IP address out of the banned range.......

But I'd suggest that this can only be solved by getting a different IP address.

Racer Y, It seems it's so far out, with no light reflecting from it we haven't seen it. And we still haven't. Scientists think it's there because of the behaviour of other rocks and things. Link here is the the paper announcing the highly likely discovery.

You'd have to ask the US and UK about the terror one, that's really their dept - see below Smile
I think it's a great idea to try to get onto the funding bandwagon. You should have got onto this one, but there seems to be lots of money around for this. If another Clinton gets in I'm sure the possibilities, as before, will be endless.

And yes, they sold IP addresses to Saudi Arabia, details a bit vague, that then went, somehow, to ISIS.

A Cabinet Office spokesperson told them:
"The government owns millions of unused IP addresses which we are selling to get a good return for hardworking taxpayers. We have sold a number of these addresses to telecoms companies both in the UK and internationally to allow their customers to connect to the internet. We think carefully about which companies we sell addresses to, but how their customers use this internet connection is beyond our control."

So, as Saudi Arabi is your 'Ally', like Turkey, just how did ISIS get them ? Or don't we ask that question ???

This is a great story on a similar theme, (The Guardian FYI !)

"The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.

The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead with the trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition.

That didn’t only include the “non-lethal assistance” boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of “arms on a massive scale”. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a “rat line” of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime."

And before pretending UK innocence, try actually reading this

"Charles Shoebridge, a former British Army and Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism intelligence officer, said:

“Given the political leanings of the organisation that obtained these documents, it’s unsurprising that the main emphasis given to them thus far has been an attempt to embarrass Hilary Clinton regarding what was known about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi in 2012. However, the documents also contain far less publicized revelations that raise vitally important questions of the West’s governments and media in their support of Syria’s rebellion.”"
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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
So, where is the VR headset that 'everyone' says makes sim racing 'awesome' and everything else pointless history ? Like the sim rigs we've used in the past, whilst fighting off Raptors and Sabre Cats whilst we try to race...........

And, if your running an 'awesome' VR rig, who needs a F1 sim rig to help create 'reality' ?

"I am stunning and brave, I've got a fancy fibreglass body mould with Rockingham stickers, I am the next Kardashian !"
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
As it's winter Down under ( I'm right, read that !) many of you (who haven't given Farcebook your first born to use the already outdated Occ Rift) will be considering a trip up here to experience summer. As everyone in Australia is descended from criminals or Aboriginals who survived colonisation, the wildlife will certainly try to kill you, you can't swim because sharks, jellyfish, fresh & saltwater crocs, and you can't get a proper beer cus Fosters and XXXX, (Aussi's can't spell beer !) I'm sure that a trip to Godzone (Hobbitville) is the sensible, life affirming choice. So, to make your trip easier and more enjoyable, here is a Nuova Zelanda guide to speaking the lingo....

Naturally, being from the NZ Herald, here is the erata....

Bach, a correctional facility in the north island.
Crib, a correctional facility in the middle/south island(s).

Explanation (Even for some of the Jaffa Kiwi's Smile)

Always blow on the PI
"Safer Communities Together"

O for Awesome

Ghost Chips Who want's to look dumb in front of Monique ?

Yeah, Nah, "No more beersies for you"

Welcome to your tour of Hobbiton.
"The Shires™ Rest cafe is conveniently located at the Entrance to Hobbiton Movie Set. You can relax and soak up the unique atmosphere with a great cup of coffee or a light meal in The Shires Rest Cafe."

is clearly, sadly lacking there though ......

"The cultivation and exportation of this herb became a key industry in the Shire, especially in the south. Popular varieties of pipe-weed included Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby, and Southern Star from the Shire. Perhaps less popular was Southlinch from Bree.

The Wizard Gandalf learned to smoke pipe-weed from the Hobbits and was often seen blowing smoke-rings. Saruman initially derided him for this, but at some point he took up smoking himself. and even had commerce with the Shire: After the destruction of Isengard, pipe-weed was found among its stores, but the Hobbits Merry and Pippin failed to realize the sinister implications." Cool

Enjoy your visit.

" In the Shire Store you can purchase a wide range of products and in the Ticketing Office the friendly staff can assist you in booking your tour of Hobbiton Movie Set.

Make sure you allow plenty of time to allow a visit to our store and soak up the themed atmosphere and browse the many items we have for sale.

These include hand-crafted items from Weta Studios, our exclusive Southfarthing beverages, woollen products, cloaks from Stansborough Fibres, books and memorabilia from Hobbiton Movie Set."
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Joined date 21 May 2007...........

It's called being helpful dude ! Wot many of us try to do on this forum.

"But wait there's more, if you buy this chip from me then you get not one, not two, but three chips for the low, low price of $100 US......

Racer X offers the best deals in town.

Now look at this special offer !

Yes, its a wheel, but for just the next 20 callers our cars offer not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4, YES 4 of these with each car sold !!!!!!!!!!

But hurry as this deal is just for the next 20 callers"
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :Freddy and David...under pressure.

Absolutely awesome track, one of my favourites....

But this version is even better, a Cappella version that shows how great they both were as singers. (Yes, a video but just listen Smile)

"This is our last dance,
This is our last dance,
Under pressure.............."


"Look up here, I’m in heaven
I’ve got scars that can’t be seen
I’ve got drama, can’t be stolen
Everybody knows me now

Look up here, man, I’m in danger

I’ve got nothing left to lose
I’m so high it makes my brain whirl
Dropped my cell phone down below

Ain’t that just like me

By the time I got to New York
I was living like a king
Then I used up all my money
I was looking for your ass

This way or no way
You know, I’ll be free
Just like that bluebird
Now ain’t that just like me

Oh I’ll be free

Just like that bluebird

Oh I’ll be free

Ain’t that just like me."

The artist to the end..

"I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring."
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
2039 Forecast. Smile

Full immersion virtual reality

Computers are now sufficiently advanced and miniaturised that billions of them can be implanted within the brain. Advances in neuroscience, in parallel with these and other developments, have led to a new form of simulation known as full immersion virtual reality. By the end of this decade, it has been successfully demonstrated in a human volunteer.*

Though still in its early stages, and yet to become fully mainstream, this technology provides astounding realism and detail. Users now have the option of actually "being" in a game environment and experiencing its graphics, audio and other effects (e.g. tactile feedback) in a manner that is largely indistinguishable from the real world.

This breakthrough has been achieved through exponential trends in computing over the previous decades – including a billionfold improvement in processing power and price performance, combined with a 100,000-fold shrinkage of components and circuitry.*

For the first time, human brains are actually being merged with computer intelligence. Rather than viewing games on a screen, users can now experience the program from within their own nervous systems, as though it were an extension of their mind. A simple, minimally invasive procedure inserts nanobots (blood cell-sized devices) into their bodies. These microscopic machines are self-guided towards the neurons in their brain responsible for visual, auditory and other senses. Here, they remain in a dormant state, but in close proximity to the brain cells.

When the user wishes to experience a simulated reality, the nanobots immediately move into place, suppressing all of the inputs coming from the real senses and replacing them with signals corresponding to the virtual environment. If the user decides to move their limbs and muscles as they normally would, the nanobots again intercept these neurochemical signals – suppressing the "real world" limbs from moving, and instead causing their "virtual" limbs to move within the game. This means a user can be sitting in a fixed position, while experiencing a high degree of activity and movement.

Actually, I'd go 2029 for most of this, maybe a bit later but this is where we are heading.

Essential reading/learning, really, spend some time and watch these interviews.

“Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding...”
― William Gibson, Neuromancer

"Once whole worlds can be simulated for the senses, the only way to assure the integrity of the public imagination will be to get the power to create those worlds out of the hands of an elite and into general circulation. As William Gibson put it: “The future has arrived — it’s just not evenly distributed yet.”"

Here's a great quote, " If you want a difficult thought experiment, Imagine what would have happened if in 1963 a Sci Fi writer had had a completely accurate vision in their sleep of our current state of cellular telephony today, and they wrote a novel that incorporated that vision, they took it to a publisher, and that publisher said, "Are you insane ?. The characters in this book spend all their time looking at these tiny television/radio things, that they keep in their pockets, they write letters and play 'Angry Birds', and they are never alone...."
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
My point is simply that anything on a PC (or wotever system) can only be a sim ATM as we are not capable of recreating reality. That's not a criticism of any particular game, only pointing out that everything is relative and reviews rely on perceived subjective reality, rather than anything physically objective.

VR is simply a stumble forward into recreating reality, and, ATM, not very well.... But, well done to all these brave souls who want to pay Farcebook over $1000 NZ so they can sell their test equipment to recover some of their (already tax deductable) research and design.
Jolly well done there those of you who willingly take one for the team and be first adopters !!!!!!

(Bonus points for context Smile)
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from PeterN :I'll correct you then. A lookup table is just that: a table of inputs with results which the program looks through. A lookup table will have a finite size and may not contain every possible combination of input values, so the program will take the nearest.

The alternative is using formulas to calculate the results from the inputs, which will take more CPU time.

BUT !!!, a formula is actually a way to create a complex lookup table isn't it.

If x= and y= then z=. Vary x and y by random results, then z alters accordingly.

This is not AI, or in fact a system that allows for real world variables, i.e., a random event not included in the formula/lookup table, This is simply another, more complex way to create a variable lookup table without including every result in a pre-designed table. Smile

Case in point, modelling aero effects on cars, the issue is with the ability to include EVERY variable to create a 'real world' effect within a sim game.

This really should lead on to a discussion regarding creationism vs evolution........

And games designers are the creationists. Smile
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